Enviroplug Bentonite
High Yield Bentonite
High yield bentonite is a special type of clay that swells when wet to provide a very effective impervious seal. Sunaqua offers these following products that are in the pellet or granular form they are specifically designed to pour into the well. This type of bentonite when mixed with water will actually swell to about eight times its original size and will form a water-tight plug.
Large diameter or bored wells pose special problems because of their size and the volume of material required to fill them. A lower cost alternative for the plugging material is clean, uncontaminated clay with a layers of Bentonite chips added every couple of feet. This must be done carefully to ensure the clay reaches the bottom of the well and seals off all empty space. The cribbing must be cut off below ground surface and the well should be then topped up to within 15″ of surface with high yield bentonite chips to make a water-tight seal. Then fill the remainder of the hole with soil. Cement grout and concrete may shrink after setting so may not create as good a seal as bentonite. Please contact for more information every well has its own particular plugging design needs.
No.8 and No.16 and No.20 are high-swelling Wyoming Bentonite in granular form. The unique molecular structure allows them to absorb five times their weight of water and swell to a volume of 12 to 16 times their dry bulk, making it an ideal well sealant.
$22.50 per 50 lbs bag
Are manufactured for use in piezometer holes, monitor wells and other sealing & plugging applications. ENVIROPLUG® TABLETS are available in 1/2”, 3/8”, and 1/4” sizes.